Community: Lifestyle Evangelism

John 1:14 has a special resonance and reminder for all believers. Growing up, we sang a song that spoke to believers being Jesus with skin on. Many songs since have reminded us that we are the only Jesus people see. Therefore we must be Christ-like at every opportunity presented, not just on Sundays within the sacred walls of our churches. Quite frankly, this is the reason why I believe lifestyle evangelism is such a powerful method. There is no room for fakeness, guile, subterfuge, or façades. The use of the word façade is intentional, as wearing masks has become a socially acceptable measure of public health. 

Earlier in my Christian walk, I knew there was a distinction between how fellow congregants treated Bible Study and Prayer Meetings against how they treated Sunday Services. The differences were conspicuous. Beyond the vast disparity in attendance, our behaviour was different. Sunday Services seemed to be filled with pomp and ceremony that withered as the week went on, only to rekindle the following Sunday again. This has been an age-old challenge for church leadership. How do we encourage sustained attendance?

The pandemic has given us a very different understanding of community. Jesus did not only ‘become flesh and dwelt among us’. He took up residence in our neighborhood. He moved into our community. Wherever you live, so does Jesus. A community extends far beyond a physical structure and includes social structures like our sports clubs, workplaces, and spaces. Jesus has also moved into our Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, and every social media platform and chat forum.

So, the concept of needing to be physically present on a Sunday Service for you to have a moment to connect with God must extend beyond the walls of a physical Church building. This is where we see the power of the fellowship of the community of believers. This gives life to the Scripture, ‘where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, He IS there’. 

Church then becomes the centre for training where believers are equipped with the skill set to reflect Jesus in their communities truly. The power and utility of a believer who allows their relationship with Jesus to transcend all areas of their life start to gain traction in their approach to decision-making. This mindset dismantles the false notions that Jesus watches us only from a distance or that we could hide and get away with what we consider lesser, inconsequential sins. Though it may feel right to ‘cuss out’ your neighbor or set traps for your co-worker either in retaliation or to get ahead in your career, a believer who is grounded in truth is more likely to refrain. A well-equipped believer is less likely to give in to impulses, but rather, their emotion is processed differently – through the filter of the Word.Do not let the presence or absence of walls dictate your behaviour. Jesus is not far from us. He cannot be contained by walls. He is right with you, there in your community, wherever that space is. Represent Him well! We are brand ambassadors for the Kingdom of God  – a kingdom mighty and vast, wIth the power to transform every community. So, when you are not in the physical church or physical community, understand that Jesus remains in your community, with you, ready to heal, transform, deliver, empower, and build a relationship with you.

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